Sunday 13 June 2010


All's Well That Ends Well []
As You Like It [] *
Comedy of Errors []
Love's Labour's Lost []
Measure for Measure []
Merchant of Venice [] *
Merry Wives of Windsor []
Midsummer Night's Dream []
Much Ado about Nothing []
Taming of the Shrew []
Tempest [/]
Twelfth Night [] *
Two Gentlemen of Verona []
Winter's Tale []
Cymbeline [] *
Henry IV, Part I []
Henry IV, Part II []
Henry V []
Henry VI, Part I []
Henry VI, Part II []
Henry VI, Part III []
Henry VIII []
King John [] *
Pericles [] *
Richard II []
Richard III []
Antony and Cleopatra [] *
Coriolanus []
Hamlet [/]
Julius Caesar [] *
King Lear []
Macbeth [/]
Othello [/]
Romeo and Juliet [/]
Timon of Athens []
Titus Andronicus [] *
Troilus and Cressida [] *

* Priority Reading.
[/] Read.

Classic Fiction

Tolstoy - War and Peace []
De Berniers - Captain Corelli's Mandolin []
Mallory - Le Morte D'Arthur []
Dickens - A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations []
Wilde - Dorian Gray []
Hughes - Tales From Ovid []
Stevenson - Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde []
Shelley - Frankenstein []
Stoker - Dracula []
Collins - The Woman in White []
Kipling - The Jungle Book []
Woolf - To the Lighthouse []
Hardy - Jude the Obscure []
Burroughs - Naked Lunch []
Eliot - Middlemarch []
James - The Turn of the Screw, Princess Cassimassima []
Joyce - Ulysses []

Summer Reading List

As I'm currently in the Summer Holidays of my second year of an English degree, it's probably the last opportunity in a while where I'll get a substantial amount of time off. This blog will be a motivator for me to read all the books I've wanted, or needed, to, before I get sucked back into the required reading lists for uni.
So in addition to the classics I wish to tick off my list of books every English student should read, there'll be the dissertation research in prep for next year, where I'll be exploring 'Themes of Mortality and Sexual Repression in the Works of John Keats'.